SBIG Aluma CCD8300 冷卻天文相機 (預訂款) (官方授權臺灣總代理)

SBIG Aluma CCD8300 冷卻天文相機 (預訂款) (官方授權臺灣總代理)

High-performance CCD imaging sensors
Light weight, compact design
Centered optical axis for optimum instrument balance




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Product Description

Aluma Features include:
  • High-performance CCD imaging sensors
  • Light weight, compact design
  • Centered optical axis for optimum instrument balance
  • Ultra reliable even-illumination (photometric) mechanical shutter
  • USB 2.0 interface
  • Full frame image buffering eliminates readout artifacts
  • 2-Stage TE cooling with typical -50C from ambient
  • Twin variable speed fans with SmartCoolingTM technology
  • High accuracy temperature regulation
  • Built-in RBI Pre-flash (full frame front-illuminated sensors only)
  • External TTL trigger inputs and output
  • Included 110V / 220V power supply and optional 12VDC operation
  • User-rechargeable desiccant plug
  • Built-in 1/4-20 tripod mount
  • Support for high precision 8-position filter wheels
  • Bulletproof firmware update capability – virtually impossible to “brick”
Software Included

All Aluma CCD models ship with MaxIm LT for Windows – a special version of MaxIm DL specific to our cameras. Aluma also supports third-party applications through ASCOM and native drivers.

Compact and Lightweight Design

Aluma cameras measure just 4.25″ x 4.25″ x 4.0″ with handles (3.5″ without handles) and weigh just 2.2 lbs (1 kg).

High Performance KAF-8300 Image Sensor

The Aluma 8300 uses the popular 8 megapixel ON Semi (formerly Kodak) KAF-8300-AXC sensor. The sensor has 3448 x 2574 pixels at 5.4 microns square, for a 17.96 mm x 13.52 mm chip size.

This is a high sensitivity full frame CCD sensor with low dark current and low read noise.  Combining this high performance sensor with Aluma’s high cooling performance and low readout noise results in exceptionally clean images.

This sensor includes microlens technology that concentrates light on the sensitive area of each pixel.  The CCD’s sensitivity peaks in the center of the visible spectrum at 550 nm, and maintains high sensitivity throughout the visible spectrum.

