Pegasus Astro NYX-88 Harmonic Gear Mount (尚未開放接單) (官方授權臺灣總代理)

Pegasus Astro NYX-88 Harmonic Gear Mount (尚未開放接單) (官方授權臺灣總代理)


Made in Greece




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Key features include:

* Harmonic gears on both axes for smooth and backlash free tracking.

* Power-off brake on the RA axis ensures stability and safety during operation.

* Built-in wireless and USB control for seamless connectivity and convenient operation.

* Enhanced signal reception with an external WiFi antenna, ensuring reliable communication.

* DC 12 Volts operation for flexibility in power supply options.

Secure power sockets to safeguard against power interruptions.

* Universal saddle plate for compatibility with a wide range of telescope setups.

* Integrated ST-4 autoguide port for precise guiding capabilities.

Moreover, the NYX-88 is designed to seamlessly integrate with popular software platforms, supporting ASCOM, Alpaca, ASIAIR, Sky Safari, and INDI framework straight out of the box.
