Orion AG10 OTA 天文望遠鏡 (預訂款)
Made in UK.
The AG10 is our 250mm Newtonian Astrograph and has over 50% more light grasp than the AG8 and, 25% greater resolution in image detail available.詢價
NT$307,000 原始價格:NT$307,000。NT$254,900目前價格:NT$254,900。
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The AG10 is our 250mm Newtonian Astrograph and has over 50% more light grasp than the AG8 and, 25% greater resolution in image detail available. Capable of fitting on most medium size mountings it is ideally suited to mounts with a carrying capacity in excess of 15kg to allow the addition of accessories for imaging. The AG10 is an instrument capable of producing images at or even beyond the theoretical limits of a 250mm telescope, purely because of the flatness of the field right to the edge, ensuring contrast is maximised because light is not spread over a larger area through off axis coma and, the application of Hilux to the reflective surfaces of both secondary and primary mirrors. This passes more light than every telescope not coated with reflective surfaces like Hilux to either your eye or, as with imaging a priority with the AG range, a cameras imaging chip. Brighter images, higher contrast images, shorter exposures, more detailed images, a great number of advantages are the result of Hilux and the AG Wynne corrector. To enable extreme stability and minimise any flexure to a level which cannot be detected in images, an upgrade to the FLI Atlas focuser is recommended on this model. Coupled with the optional set of CNC rings and internal blackened stainless contoured plate, it is capable of carrying the heaviest imaging equipment without any visible flexure or slippage. 規格 Primary mirror diameter:250mm Focal Length:950mm Focal Ratio:f/3.8 Focus Distance To Image Plane:79mm Tube Weight:approx. 12kg Tube Diameter:300mm Tube Length:810mm Tube Material:Carbon fibre sandwich Secondary Size:100mm Mirror Cell:CNC Machined alum. 9 point suspension Focuser:3″ Crayford with 10:1 reduction Corrector Design:4 lens ED Flat Field Size:50mm Spot Size on Axis:3.0μm Spot Size at Field Edge:7.2μm Mirror / Tube Cooling:3 Controllable fans. Heaters optional CNC machined alum. Cradles + Dovetail 更多細節請參考