CFF Refractor 135 mm telescope 天文望遠鏡 (預訂款)

CFF Refractor 135 mm telescope 天文望遠鏡 (預訂款)

Due to increased demand of our limited edition 132mm refractor, we have introduced another series, based on our original optical design.




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Due to increased demand of our limited edition 132mm refractor, we have introduced another series, based on our original optical design.
Highly portable optical tube assembly, based on the same focal length as our 140 mm F/6.5, with a slightly slower focal ratio due to its smaller aperture.
We recommended it for visual astronomy and photographic use when used in pair with our dedicated Field Corrector.

Main features:
* 3.5" rack and pinion type focuser from Starlight Instruments;
* dew shield with rotate & lock feature;
* highly portable, medium size refractor;
* Oil-spaced design for best possible light transmission & highest contrast.

Specifications & technical data:
Core glass used – S-FPL53
Clear aperture – 135 mm
Focal length – 915 mm
Focal ratio – F/6.7
Only a limited number is available in single OTA or bino-telescope configuration.
Optical Quality (please click for our optical manufacturing specifications)

Minimum length – 780 mm
Maximum length – 990 mm
Back-focus – 180 mm
Tube diameter – 145 mm
Dew shield diameter – 164 mm
Weight – 10 kg, including rings.

